What is perfect happiness?

I don’t really believe in perfect happiness, because to believe in it would mean to set yourself up with expectations that others will cooperate and behave a certain way that works into your personal narrative. As a person who manages chronic pain, the idea of aiming for perfect happiness would be insanity as I cannot predict which physical struggle I will have on any given day. And so it goes with ALL other factors of your life too; you cannot decide the weather, the conditions, other peoples moods or outcomes — this way of living is insanity because you are constantly swimming upstream and this creates a lot of tension. Instead of aiming for perfect happiness, I am for focus. To have the ability to focus just on improving myself whether by myself or with others. To focus on what’s going right and do more of that. Perfect happiness to me actually translates to perfect contentment or serenity. To possess the ability to control your emotional reactions to things that are really none of your business and not within your reach to control anyway. Contentment allows you to design your life, accept how it is unfolding, and enjoy the only thing you really have which is this very moment. Photos taken by Chanda C. Ekanger at the Como Park Conservatory Japanese Water Lily Garden St. Paul MN 2016