Who are you?

Explode out of the gate and with the sheer force of everything you’ve got, you create, produce and land on your spot 

This doesn’t even begin to capture the truth 

You, embodied in flesh, the dreams of generations, they have been waiting for you –

humming just outside the sonic boom dome

exhilarated and cheering you home




You’ve broken through the bumpy ride, you’re their greatest achievement still on the other side

You dropped all the shackles of proper and left behind shame, you’ve decided the plan and gave it a name

Your mind spins and twirls at a million to one

your laughter is a beam, just reversed from the sun 

I’ve never met anyone like you

Cirque de Solei looks like a bore when compared and squared

Mimed and propped,

you do all of this without even a second thought

Once a little girl dreamed of wearing pants

she dreamed of riding her horse

of swinging a hammer

of making currence

Nelly from the prairie

Knelly from the town 

I love you Miss Mystery                                                                    

and oh, thank you so for inspiring me!

You are truly living