
I watched over you

You were delicate like a drop

of rain rolling off

the tip of a single leaf 

I knew you were tiny

fragile and real

Go day arrived, it was game on

Determined to be the one

to sculpt you

to mold you

to fill you up with possibilities

The chasm between the ribbons was huge

each day I attempted to tie a bow

I tugged and smoothed and compared for equity of lengths

I caught a glimpse of your magnificence 

A daily reminder is what you were to me

a reminder of time, of fragility

Of singular human joy

The battles, well, they rose and subsided

like ocean storms and still water days

How to provide, be by your side was my new why 

Life so powerful

heat never relenting 

The pause, it did not happen

I jumped into the eye

whether ready or not


it did not matter

for the pounding of the rope on asphalt

was my ticking clock 

All these days later I stand back in awe

like a child in the forest

reaching the edge to discover

a giant field of sunflowers

all facing their mother